
Showing posts from July, 2020

Poem on the book of Jonah (Sharon T)

Jonah By Sharon Thambudorai Jonah was ordered to go unto Nineveh, Call out against the evil before Jehovah. He went down to Joppa and to Tarshish he sailed. A great wind was sent by the Lord who he failed. Soon, the lots were cast, on Jonah it fell. “Take me up and cast me forth,” said the one who did rebel. Against their will when the storm would not go, They picked Jonah up and threw him into the sea below!  A great big fish swallowed Jonah, whole. Three days and three nights he spent, feeling out of control. Jonah prayed and prayed, knowing the Lord was good, And the fish vomited Jonah and on dry land he stood. So, this second time when Jonah received the word of the Lord, He obeyed, went to Nineveh, fulfilling the wishes of God. “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown,” he proclaimed. The Ninevites fasted and wore sackcloth for now believers they became. The king did the same, telling everyone to abide, For maybe God would relent if they swallowed their pride? This, G...

Poem on Jonah chapter 4 (Mercy Samuel)

Poem on Jonah Chapter 4   By Mercy Samuel Jonah was angry with the Lord that day For He had shown mercy in every way Prophet Jonah fled from God at first For he knew God loves even the worst He sat down hoping to see Nineveh fade God provided a plant to give him shade He was really happy to watch it grow But God sent a worm to wither it so!   As the sun blazed upon Jonah’s head He wished that he would just be dead Then came the answer from the Lord, “Jonah you showed pity for the gourd A plant that you never really grew It gave enough shade just for you! In the same way, my love is for all I never desired to see Nineveh fall”.   Jonah waited for Nineveh’s destruction But witnessed God’s love and pardon He was unable to reason God’s ways And as a prophet he felt betrayed Well, the sign of Jonah points today That Jesus Christ is the only way He died and rose to save the lost So spread the good news to all.

Poem on Jonah chapter 3 (Mercy Samuel)

Poem on Jonah  chapter  3 By Mercy Samuel   Jonah was again back on shore God reminded him once more Nineveh was a great city in sin His righteous anger will soon begin   Prophet Jonah said, in a sober tone In forty days you’ll be o’er thrown Repent Nineveh fast and pray God’s word you must obey.   The People of Nineveh earnestly believed And cried out to the Lord in deep grief Their repentant heart, God observed And withdrew judgment they deserved!        

Personal Experience - 1 (Anne)

Personal Experience -1  The Lord of Lords and King of Kings we serve is forever faithful! By Anne This is not related to the Book of Jonah, nevertheless,  I would like to share my experience. In February this year, I attended the Keswick Breakfast at Assembly of God Church. Thereon, I attended the Morning sessions at the Circular Road Baptist Chapel Church. From the 10th to 15th of February, 2020, Pastor Ashok taught us two books, The Book of Obadiah and The Book of Jude. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. The days had been hectic ... sending the kids and husband to school and office respectively and then rushing to Baptist Church....but so fulfilling.  As I left the church after the last session, I said a small prayer- Daddy ( I love to address the Lord of Lords and King of Kings as fills me with soooooo much peace) I prayed...Daddy, it would be nice if you could arrange such a Bible Teaching class for me, how about Saturday mornings....weekdays are...

Testimony- 2 (Aprajita)

Testimony – 2 By: Aprajita The story of Jonah has always fascinated me since my childhood.   There are so many lessons to learn from Jonah's life. But one thing that the book starts off with is how Jonah was disobedient in spite   of the fact that He knew the Lord. All these years I compared my life with Jonah’s with the aspect of disobedience and thought we were alike. But only recently I’ve come to realize that we are not alike at all!    You see, Jonah disobeyed the lord   once but I have disobeyed God immumerable times. It just took one incident for Jonah to turn back to the Lord but a series of events for me to turn back to my Master. Yes,   like Jonah I had clear instructions from my Master but I purposely chose not to follow those. The more I was disobeying my Father, the more I stopped hearing from Him. At first I felt bad about the way I was disobedient to Him but eventually it became my lifestyle and I didn’t realise how comfortable I ...

Poem- 2 (Mercy)

Poem based on JONAH chapter 2  By Mercy Samuel With weeds wrapped around his head Jonah thought, he was as good as dead In the belly of that great big fish Jonah had gone against God’s wish Nineveh was part of His great plan Though Jonah failed to understand.   He stayed three days and three nights Calling out to God about his plight In that deep and dreadful place God showed him mercy and grace. The things Jonah could not perceive He chose by faith to simply believe   The Lord of all creation who saves Truly deserves all glory and praise; So when Jonah repented and wept Thanking God for what He meant T’was only then at God’s command The fish threw him up on dry land.

Devotional on Jonah (Marsela)

Devotional on Jonah  By Marsela In the book of Jonah lie two dearly held verses of mine. One is a favorite, frequenting many of my prayers. The other is a fear, cited in even more of those prayers. In this post, I will focus on the verse I fear. “But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord.” (Jonah 1:3) We know that Jonah’s travel to Tarshish was an act of disobedience to the word of the LORD. God had told him to go to Nineveh to call out against their evil, yet Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish. Jonah did not speak out in defiance against the Lord, so it was not with his words that he disobeyed. Yet his feet took him to Joppa, his boat fare took him to Tarshish, and his heart took him away from the presence of the LORD. Twice it says in verse three that Jonah went “away from the presence of the LORD.” First, when he heard a command from God that he did not want to obey. Second, when he got on the boat for Tarshish. Sin always begins in our heart, yet it...

Poem- 1 (Mercy)

Poem based on Jonah – Chapter 1 By Mercy Samuel A reluctant prophet was running away By setting sail to Tarshish that day. No one knew what was in store, Until stormy winds began to blow! While the ship rocked to and fro Helpless sailors started to row. Working hard to land on shore They almost gave up all hope.   As the storm was raging on “Wake up Jonah!” cried the crew! Seeing the raging sea, he knew Obeying God, is the right thing to do. For God told Jonah to go to Nineveh But willfully he journeyed another way. “Cast me into the raging sea”, he cried, “Else we will all have to suffer and die!”   With heavy hearts the crew followed through And tossed Jonah in the ocean blue! Troubled waters were calm again For their Maker was teaching them. The Lord sent a great big fish To swallow up Jonah, a tasty dish! Three full days, he stayed in there Talking to God, Jonah knew, He cares!

Testimony- 1 (Rahel)

Testimony- 1 By Rahel I can relate so well with Jonah. Here’s a list of our similarities: 1. I was  disobedient to God.  I was in a relationship which I placed as number 1 in my life. This led me to lowering the standards of God in my life and by doing so, being disobedient to Him. 2. I had a sense of  guilt and shame  for a lot of time that I was in that relationship because of my own disobedience. 3. I  lost much of my   testimony  because I made myself so available to others. I was also not displaying Christ in my own life, so how could I be a testimony for the one I was even in a relationship with? 4.  My disobedience  has led to  Suffering  of not just myself but many who were invested in the relationship. Here’s the beauty of it all: 1. Because  God loves me   He always  has a  marvelous plan  for my life. 2.  He’s been so kind, merciful and gracious to me. Not once has He left m...

Personal Reflection- 2 (S.Dkhar)

                                                       Personal Reflection- 2 By S. Dkhar The  message of Jonah reminds me of the old me who was not being faithful to the Lord. Yes, now I have to taste the storms of life, but, God Loves me very much and by His grace I am favoured. By His blessings, every step by step of this storm gets lighter and lighter. -          

Personal Reflection- 1 (Pankaj)

  Personal Reflection- 1 By Pankaj Thanks once again for a very appropriate message.   Our family planned to move to another state which is difficult and different from the comfort of the place we were used to.   Unfortunately, because a delay in responding, though we could have left earlier this year, we now must plan in the midst of this pandemic. The Covid seems like a storm but we trust in God and are waiting to be taken to this new unknown place in His time, by His miraculous hand. Of course, we are not expecting a whale to swallow us but it will be an incredible act of God when He enables us to reach there! Please continue to pray for us. -