Poem on the book of Jonah (Sharon T)
Jonah By Sharon Thambudorai Jonah was ordered to go unto Nineveh, Call out against the evil before Jehovah. He went down to Joppa and to Tarshish he sailed. A great wind was sent by the Lord who he failed. Soon, the lots were cast, on Jonah it fell. “Take me up and cast me forth,” said the one who did rebel. Against their will when the storm would not go, They picked Jonah up and threw him into the sea below! A great big fish swallowed Jonah, whole. Three days and three nights he spent, feeling out of control. Jonah prayed and prayed, knowing the Lord was good, And the fish vomited Jonah and on dry land he stood. So, this second time when Jonah received the word of the Lord, He obeyed, went to Nineveh, fulfilling the wishes of God. “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown,” he proclaimed. The Ninevites fasted and wore sackcloth for now believers they became. The king did the same, telling everyone to abide, For maybe God would relent if they swallowed their pride? This, G...