Testimony- 2 (Aprajita)

Testimony – 2

By: Aprajita

The story of Jonah has always fascinated me since my childhood.  There are so many lessons to learn from Jonah's life. But one thing that the book starts off with is how Jonah was disobedient in spite  of the fact that He knew the Lord.

All these years I compared my life with Jonah’s with the aspect of disobedience and thought we were alike. But only recently I’ve come to realize that we are not alike at all!   You see, Jonah disobeyed the lord  once but I have disobeyed God immumerable times.

It just took one incident for Jonah to turn back to the Lord but a series of events for me to turn back to my Master.

Yes,  like Jonah I had clear instructions from my Master but I purposely chose not to follow those.

The more I was disobeying my Father, the more I stopped hearing from Him. At first I felt bad about the way I was disobedient to Him but eventually it became my lifestyle and I didn’t realise how comfortable I had become with my sinful nature.

But just as Jonah ran, I was running too. I ran too fast that I couldn’t see anything ahead of me and lost track of where I was heading.  The more I ran, the more tired I got, eventually getting weak in my body and spirit.

I finally gave up. I had gone so far from the Lord that I thought the easiest thing to do was give up.  I can’t even give an account of all my acts of disobedience!  God should have thrown me out of His holy presence!  But God who has always been faithful and patient with me, forgave me fully when I finally repented and gave me a victorious life. My Father never left me nor did He forsake me.  I don’t deserve His forgiveness and goodness but He was gracious to me. Yes, I was running but God pursued me and went ahead of me, bringing me back to Himself!


  1. Dear Aprajita

    We greatly appreciate you. Thank you very much for taking the time to share your thoughts. This is such a blessing.

    Praying for Sandeep, you & your families

    Pastor Ashok Andrews

  2. Thank you so much KCF church and Pastor for standing alongwith us at all times.
    We are blessed to have you


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