Personal Experience - 1 (Anne)

Personal Experience -1 
The Lord of Lords and King of Kings we serve is forever faithful!
By Anne

This is not related to the Book of Jonah, nevertheless,  I would like to share my experience.

In February this year, I attended the Keswick Breakfast at Assembly of God Church. Thereon, I attended the Morning sessions at the Circular Road Baptist Chapel Church. From the 10th to 15th of February, 2020, Pastor Ashok taught us two books, The Book of Obadiah and The Book of Jude. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. The days had been hectic ... sending the kids and husband to school and office respectively and then rushing to Baptist Church....but so fulfilling. 

As I left the church after the last session, I said a small prayer- Daddy ( I love to address the Lord of Lords and King of Kings as fills me with soooooo much peace) I prayed...Daddy, it would be nice if you could arrange such a Bible Teaching class for me, how about Saturday mornings....weekdays are so hectic. Thank you, Father. You are a prayer answering God. In Jesus's name, I pray.

So, I left it that....wondering how it would unfold.

Little did I know that The Lord of Lords and King of Kings had this beautiful surprise planned for me.
I am loving this season of discipline and  learning His Word with Pastor Ashok and KCF, Newtown. God Bless.


  1. Dear Sister Anne

    Thank you for taking the time to write back & encourage us.

    PRAYING GOD'S abundant blessings on your family & you

    Pastor Ashok Andrews


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