Testimony- 1 (Rahel)

Testimony- 1

By Rahel

I can relate so well with Jonah. Here’s a list of our similarities:

1. I was disobedient to God. I was in a relationship which I placed as number 1 in my life. This led me to lowering the standards of God in my life and by doing so, being disobedient to Him.

2. I had a sense of guilt and shame for a lot of time that I was in that relationship because of my own disobedience.

3. I lost much of my testimony because I made myself so available to others. I was also not displaying Christ in my own life, so how could I be a testimony for the one I was even in a relationship with?

4. My disobedience has led to Suffering of not just myself but many who were invested in the relationship.

Here’s the beauty of it all:

1. Because God loves me He always has a marvelous plan for my life.

2. He’s been so kind, merciful and gracious to me. Not once has He left me.

3. I was at a point where I saw many red flags in the relationship and knew I had to get out of it though I had been in it for a number of years because Christ was not the centre. However, I could not do it on my own. God in His grace and mercy brought me out of a situation which I put myself in.

4. Just like there was a storm in Jonah’s situation where he had to be thrown out of the boat to do God’s will, God allowed a storm in the form of a painful wisdom tooth to grow (needing surgery – or so we thought) that led me to coming home.  I needed this time away to spend much time in fervent prayer.  The result was that the relationship which I held so dear ended.  

I went from being dead in my walk with the Lord, quenching the Holy Spirit, to now being in love with my Maker and the One who died for me. My True Love - All because of the GRAVE that brought me GRACE.

I also thank God for my parents and other family members who kept praying for me without ceasing that I would know God’s will for my life.  God is indeed faithful!




  1. Dear Rahel

    Super proud of you. PRAYING GOD will bless & guide you always

  2. Beautiful testimony Rahel❤️

  3. Very encouraging and inspiration testimony. Thank you Rachel. May God bless you.

  4. I have never listened to a sermon of yours without being touched and driven to a decision.
    God be with you all in every worship that many may be touched and saved.

  5. When we surrender our all to Jesus, we find we never lack anything. The bonus is that we are filled with joy evenieven the midst of pain.

  6. So proud of you Rahel. God would bless you more for this decision taken and He will guide you to His perfect will which would be "the best" for you. Blessings.

  7. I pray that you will be an inspiration to many young people in the days to come.

  8. Beautiful testimony Rahel. You are special to The Lord.

  9. I am so proud of you dear rahel. I am surely going continue to pray for you and i m certain that our lord will always be there for you as a guide. Your testimony is indeed powerful and can inspire many young minds keep it up girl 🥰🥰😍😍


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