
Great is thy Faithfulness (Lily Das)

  Great is thy Faithfulness! By Lily Das I was encouraged by the life of Jonah because I learnt that God is  caring and loving inspite of our waywardness. As I look back , I see the guiding hand of God in my life. After I completed my graduation I wanted to do Bachelor of  Religious Education but God led me to do B.Ed. Even before I did my University exam for B.Ed. I was offered a job as a teacher, and I continued there until my retirement.  God has been a source of strength to me through difficult times and ill-health. It has been miraculous and I am filled with awe and wonder.   I can truly say that God has led me all the way. We do have a great God!

Calm After a Storm (Phebe)

  CALM AFTER A STORM By Phebe It gives me immense joy to share few reflections on the study on Jonah that concluded recently. The first time I listened to the story of Jonah was from my mom who narrated the story to me. As a kid, I could not comprehend God’s boundless love and compassion then, but what fascinated me about the story was that Jonah was swallowed by a big fish and was still alive in the fish’s belly even after 3 days. I wondered how he managed as it must have been dark, filthy with an unbearable stench! As I grew up and started studying the book of Jonah in depth, I could understand that God accomplished His purposes through Jonah even though it meant God dealing with love and grace on a rebellious and unwilling heart. At a personal level, the past four weeks of study on Jonah had been quite retrospective. It made me reflect on my own self, realizing how on many occasions, I had been none other than Jonah, doing things that I felt was right and what was pleasing...

Personal testimony-3 (Jacinth)

Once a teacher always a teacher   By    Jacinth   What If............?  Having been a teacher for a number of years now ,  I've learned more than I've claimed to teach. I've  often been floored by the  insights of some of my ten - year - olds, and most of the time, my role in the class has been, that of a catalyst. I've loved this profession from the early years of my teaching career.  I've also learned to attend to your teachings just as my students would, with pens and notebooks, and agog concentration. Let me tell you this, Bible Reading has never been the same again. Thank You.   Now back to my profession, I particularly enjoy the English Language class. It gives me immense joy to set up the test papers on Comprehension Exercises, needless to say, I'm always on the look - out for fresh materials. My pupils, like larvae, would  voraciously devour every information in the passage, and sometimes would come up with questions so...

Poem on the book of Jonah (Sharon T)

Jonah By Sharon Thambudorai Jonah was ordered to go unto Nineveh, Call out against the evil before Jehovah. He went down to Joppa and to Tarshish he sailed. A great wind was sent by the Lord who he failed. Soon, the lots were cast, on Jonah it fell. “Take me up and cast me forth,” said the one who did rebel. Against their will when the storm would not go, They picked Jonah up and threw him into the sea below!  A great big fish swallowed Jonah, whole. Three days and three nights he spent, feeling out of control. Jonah prayed and prayed, knowing the Lord was good, And the fish vomited Jonah and on dry land he stood. So, this second time when Jonah received the word of the Lord, He obeyed, went to Nineveh, fulfilling the wishes of God. “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown,” he proclaimed. The Ninevites fasted and wore sackcloth for now believers they became. The king did the same, telling everyone to abide, For maybe God would relent if they swallowed their pride? This, G...

Poem on Jonah chapter 4 (Mercy Samuel)

Poem on Jonah Chapter 4   By Mercy Samuel Jonah was angry with the Lord that day For He had shown mercy in every way Prophet Jonah fled from God at first For he knew God loves even the worst He sat down hoping to see Nineveh fade God provided a plant to give him shade He was really happy to watch it grow But God sent a worm to wither it so!   As the sun blazed upon Jonah’s head He wished that he would just be dead Then came the answer from the Lord, “Jonah you showed pity for the gourd A plant that you never really grew It gave enough shade just for you! In the same way, my love is for all I never desired to see Nineveh fall”.   Jonah waited for Nineveh’s destruction But witnessed God’s love and pardon He was unable to reason God’s ways And as a prophet he felt betrayed Well, the sign of Jonah points today That Jesus Christ is the only way He died and rose to save the lost So spread the good news to all.

Poem on Jonah chapter 3 (Mercy Samuel)

Poem on Jonah  chapter  3 By Mercy Samuel   Jonah was again back on shore God reminded him once more Nineveh was a great city in sin His righteous anger will soon begin   Prophet Jonah said, in a sober tone In forty days you’ll be o’er thrown Repent Nineveh fast and pray God’s word you must obey.   The People of Nineveh earnestly believed And cried out to the Lord in deep grief Their repentant heart, God observed And withdrew judgment they deserved!        

Personal Experience - 1 (Anne)

Personal Experience -1  The Lord of Lords and King of Kings we serve is forever faithful! By Anne This is not related to the Book of Jonah, nevertheless,  I would like to share my experience. In February this year, I attended the Keswick Breakfast at Assembly of God Church. Thereon, I attended the Morning sessions at the Circular Road Baptist Chapel Church. From the 10th to 15th of February, 2020, Pastor Ashok taught us two books, The Book of Obadiah and The Book of Jude. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. The days had been hectic ... sending the kids and husband to school and office respectively and then rushing to Baptist Church....but so fulfilling.  As I left the church after the last session, I said a small prayer- Daddy ( I love to address the Lord of Lords and King of Kings as fills me with soooooo much peace) I prayed...Daddy, it would be nice if you could arrange such a Bible Teaching class for me, how about Saturday mornings....weekdays are...