
Showing posts from August, 2020

Great is thy Faithfulness (Lily Das)

  Great is thy Faithfulness! By Lily Das I was encouraged by the life of Jonah because I learnt that God is  caring and loving inspite of our waywardness. As I look back , I see the guiding hand of God in my life. After I completed my graduation I wanted to do Bachelor of  Religious Education but God led me to do B.Ed. Even before I did my University exam for B.Ed. I was offered a job as a teacher, and I continued there until my retirement.  God has been a source of strength to me through difficult times and ill-health. It has been miraculous and I am filled with awe and wonder.   I can truly say that God has led me all the way. We do have a great God!

Calm After a Storm (Phebe)

  CALM AFTER A STORM By Phebe It gives me immense joy to share few reflections on the study on Jonah that concluded recently. The first time I listened to the story of Jonah was from my mom who narrated the story to me. As a kid, I could not comprehend God’s boundless love and compassion then, but what fascinated me about the story was that Jonah was swallowed by a big fish and was still alive in the fish’s belly even after 3 days. I wondered how he managed as it must have been dark, filthy with an unbearable stench! As I grew up and started studying the book of Jonah in depth, I could understand that God accomplished His purposes through Jonah even though it meant God dealing with love and grace on a rebellious and unwilling heart. At a personal level, the past four weeks of study on Jonah had been quite retrospective. It made me reflect on my own self, realizing how on many occasions, I had been none other than Jonah, doing things that I felt was right and what was pleasing...

Personal testimony-3 (Jacinth)

Once a teacher always a teacher   By    Jacinth   What If............?  Having been a teacher for a number of years now ,  I've learned more than I've claimed to teach. I've  often been floored by the  insights of some of my ten - year - olds, and most of the time, my role in the class has been, that of a catalyst. I've loved this profession from the early years of my teaching career.  I've also learned to attend to your teachings just as my students would, with pens and notebooks, and agog concentration. Let me tell you this, Bible Reading has never been the same again. Thank You.   Now back to my profession, I particularly enjoy the English Language class. It gives me immense joy to set up the test papers on Comprehension Exercises, needless to say, I'm always on the look - out for fresh materials. My pupils, like larvae, would  voraciously devour every information in the passage, and sometimes would come up with questions so...